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Heiser CN, Simmons AJ, Revetta F, McKinley ET, Ramirez-Solano MA, Wang J, Kaur H, Shao J, Ayers GD, Wang Y, Glass SE, Tasneem N, Chen Z, Qin Y, Kim W, Rolong A, Chen B, Vega PN, Drewes JL, Markham NO, Saleh N, Nikolos F, Vandekar SN, Jones AL, Washington MK, Roland JT, Chan KS, Schuerpf […]


Deng R, Cui C, Remedios LW, Bao S, Womick RM, Chiron S, Li J, Roland JT, Lau KS, Liu Q, Wilson KT, Wang Y, Coburn LA, Landman BA, Huo Y. Cross-scale Attention Guided Multi-instance Learning for Crohn’s Disease Diagnosis with Pathological Images. Multiscale Multimodal Medical Imaging, 13594:24-33, 2022. Cui Zhou D, Jayasinghe RG, Chen S, […]


Chen B, Scurrah CR, McKinley ET, Simmons AJ, Ramirez-Solano MA, Zhu X, Markham NO, Heiser CN, Vega PN, Rolong A, Kim H, Sheng Q, Drewes JL, Zhou Y, Southard-Smith AN, Xu Y, Ro J, Jones AL, Revetta F, Berry LD, Niitsu H, Islam M, Pelka K, Hofree M, Chen JH, Sarkizova S, Ng K, Giannakis […]


Banerjee A, Herring CA, Chen B, Kim H, Simmons AJ, Southard-Smith AN, Allaman MM, White JR, Macedonia MC, McKinley ET, Ramirez Solano MA, Scoville EA, Liu Q, Wilson KT, Coffey RJ, Washington MK, Goettel JA, Lau KS. Succinate produced by intestinal microbes promotes specification of tuft cells to suppress ileal inflammation. Gastroenterology, 159(6):2101-2115, 2020. Heiser […]


Chen B, Herring CA, Lau KS. pyNVR: Investigating factors affecting feature selection from scRNA-seq data for lineage reconstruction. Bioinformatics, 35(13):2335-2337, 2019. Liu J, Banerjee A, Herring CA, Attalla J, Hu R, Xu Y, Shao Q, Simmons AJ, Dadi PK, Wang S, Jacobson DA, Liu B, Hodges E, Lau KS*, Gu G*. Neurog3-independent methylation is the […]


Herring CA, Banerjee A, McKinley ET, Simmons AJ, Ping J, Roland JT, Franklin JL, Liu Q, Gerdes MJ, Coffey RJ, Lau KS. Unsupervised trajectory analysis of single-Cell RNA-seq and imaging data reveals alternative tuft cell origins in the gut. Cell Systems, 6(1): 37-51, 2018. Liu Q*, Herring CA, Sheng Q, Ping J, Simmons AJ, Chen […]


Kim SW, Ehrman J, Ahn MR, Kondo J, Mancheno Lopez AA, Oh YS, Kim HX, Crawley SW, Goldenring JR, Tyska MJ, Rericha EC, Lau KS. Shear stress induces non-canonical autophagy in intestinal epithelial monolayers. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 28(22):3034-56, 2017. Simmons AJ, Lau KS. Deciphering tumor heterogeneity from FFPE tissues: its promise and challenges. […]


Simmons AJ, Scurrah CR, McKinley ET, Herring CA, Irish JM, Washington MK, Coffey RJ, Lau KS. Impaired coordination between signaling pathways is revealed in human colorectal cancer using single-cell mass cytometry of archival tissue blocks. Science Signaling, 9(449):rs11, 2016.


Simmons AJ, Banerjee A, McKinley ET, Scurrah CR, Herring CA, Gewin LS, Masuzaki R, Karp SJ, Franklin, JL, Gerdes MJ, Irish JM, Coffey RJ, Lau KS. Cytometry-based single cell analysis of intact epithelial signaling reveals MAPK activation divergent from TNF-α-induced apoptosis in vivo. Molecular Systems Biology, 11(10):835, 2015. Lyons J, Herring CA, Banerjee A, Simmons […]